Letter to Larry
Starting 2012 with a ‘Letter to Larry’ about Vivien Leigh and Sir Lawrence Olivier – the Benefit was for SANE Australia.The production of Letter to Larry was dedicated to the memory of Di Bliss
The play was held at the Tamarama Rock Surfers (Bondi Pavillion) in early April, 2012.
Thank you to:
- The wonderful Donald MacDonald (writer and director of Letter to Larry)
- The Amazingly talented actress Susie Lindeman
- Thank you Shark Island Productions
- MC: Judy Nunn
- Guest Speakers: Carmen Duncan & Magistrate Brian Maloney
- Sophie and the Bondi Pavillion staff
- Anne MacPherson
- Observatory Hotel
- Sinead Davies
- Best wishes to SANE Australia’s CEO Barbara Hocking (who retired from SANE middle of 2011)
- Jess’s & Bree’s friends who kindly volunteered